There's never a right time to follow your dreams.

It's terrifying to look into the eyes of people you care about and see they actually believe that. Our whole childhood (if you were lucky like me) we were tought to dream. Then the day comes when your dreams no longer seem fictious and you realize that you can do what in was in your wettest, most horrific, and tantalizing dreams didn't even seem possible. You can turn away from the bullshit and focus while the monsters and demons breathe down your back. You know that you're capable of making something that scares them, capable of smashing them with a clap of your hands like they used to do to you. Capable of doing something unexpected.
It's like the feeling I get when I'm standing on a ledge. I get this urge to just jump. Not in a suicidal way but to see if I have what it takes to survive the fall. Do I have the courage to face something no one else will? Yea I know I'll probably die but does that even matter? Who knows what would happen. I could be like the super heroes I worship and land on my feet like a boss and find out my ankles are shatter proof, (I would definitely get shafted with a lame super hero power like that.)

I guess I'm just trying to understand. We all jump at some point, I just want to know its on my terms and I'm ready when my time comes. We all make these ridiculous sacrifices and compromises as we grow up to that take us further and further away from the person we dreamt we were going to be when we were kids. Some of us jump off early without even realizing it and don't wake up til it's too late, others trip and fall off the damn bridge and find themselves broken in a puddle of their own blood and piss. Then there are the dudes that jump with a parachute and chill all the way down, and there's the other dude that made his own fuckin wings out of garbage bags and jumps having no idea what the hells going to happen but he's down for the ride. Personally I'd like to slide over the edge riding a horn toothed slug.
Anyway just some art fag shit I've been thinkin bout. Here's some porn! I mean drawings... or do I!
Yes just so you know I do eat my subs naked while the dead jealous eyes of the homeless stare through the passing car windows.