It feels good walking into a room and knowing that your phone charger will be where you left it . No maid has moved it or youve lost it in some bar or that youve forgotten you lent it to a friend at his house during a night of forced cards against humanity. Home. Home is where you can sleep naked. For me its been in hotel rooms for the past two weeks and it feels good to know that i dont have to put up a do not disturb. Been a wild past few weeks. Between watching a friend get bit by dogs and almost run over dogs, people I thought were shady be nice, people i thought were nice be shady, ride with Quadzilla through the streets on sheeps pelt, stare myself in the eye through thousands of dollars worth of gold, drink at a bar where old people talk about the negative influence of family guy, make money, take money, buy things, lose things, talk to new girls, realize that for some reason girls just generally lie about their age, encounter friends when least expected, treat myself, and treat others, its just good to be at a place where I feel safe to take my socks off. Where I dont have to look through plated glass and order cigarettes through a carousel. I think maybe Ive just been spoiled recently. Cuz seeing shit, just seems to make me homesick.

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